
We introduce bijective Burrows–Wheeler type transforms for binary strings.1 The original method by Burrows and Wheeler [4] is based on lexicographic order for general alphabets, and the transform is defined to be the last column of the ordered BWT matrix. This new approach applies binary block order, B-order, which yields not one, but twin transforms: one based on Lyndon words, the other on a repetition of Lyndon words. These binary B-BWT transforms are constructed here for B-words, analogous structures to Lyndon words. A key computation in the transforms is the application of a linear-time suffix-sorting technique, such as [18,21,22,27], to sort the cyclic rotations of a binary input string into their B-order. Moreover, like the original lexicographic transform, we show that computing the B-BWT inverses is also achieved in linear time by using straightforward combinatorial arguments.

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