
Bacterial Foraging Algorithm (BFA) is one of the powerful bio-inspired optimization algorithms which attempt to imitate the single and groups of E. Coli bacteria. In BFA algorithm, a set of bacteria try to forage towards a nutrient rich medium to get more nutrients. In this scheme, an objective function is posed as the effort or a cost incurred by the bacteria in search of food. In the present, an approach is presented for edge detection in a binarized image using bacterial foraging algorithm. .First binarization is applied to the input image to get an image matrix consisting of only the intensity values 0 and 255 of 8-bit image and then a swarm of bacteria are enthrusted on the binary image for extraction of edge information. Edges are detected by calculating the difference between intensity values of the present pixel with each of the neighboring eight pixels. Whenever the bacteria finds this intensity difference of 255 it will treat that pixel as its food and mark it as an edge pixel.

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