
Chilli is one of the most important spices as well as cash crop in Bangladesh. This study was undertaken at Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA) to characterize the collected germplasm morphologically and select a desirable one for commercial cultivation in Bangladesh. More than fifty chilli germplasm were collected from local and exotic sources were put into evaluation to select desirable ones for directly use as varieties or for future usage as breeding materials. Through observation trials five germplasm were selected considering their better agronomic performance. Selected germplasm was evaluated through different trials at different chilli growing areas of Bangladesh during 2018 to 2020. Recommended cultural management for chilli cultivation was followed. The germplasm, IndoCF-25 produced significantly higher yield both green chilli and dried chilli than control varieties (Binamorich-1 and BARI Morich-1) in most of the trials. Over two years of advanced yield trial and on-farm trial, IndoCF-25 produced higher yield (32.00 t ha-1) while BARImorich-1 produced (12.15 t ha-1). IndoCF-25 was produced the longest plant height (78.8 cm), higher number of fruits (78.8) compared to Binamorich-1 (52.8), longer fruit size (13.95 cm), breadth (5.32 cm) and single fruit weight (11.38 g) compared to the check varieties. IndoCF-25 was found to be moderately tolerant to anthracnose, wilting and mosaic diseases, and also showed lower insect infestation than control varieties. Results of yield trials indicated that IndoCF-25-1 was suitable for cultivation in Bangladesh. Though check variety Binamorich-1 produced the highest yield (34.05 t ha-1) among three tested genotype/varieties, due to the better pungency as well as other quantitative and qualitative performances, BINA has applied for registration of IndoCF-25-1 to the National Seed Board (NSB) of Bangladesh. Consequently, the NSB of Bangladesh registered IndoCF-25-1 as a high yielding better pungent chilli variety in 2020 as Binamorich-2 for commercial cultivation all over Bangladesh.

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