
The number and activity of voltage gated L-type CaV1.2 Ca2+ channels in the sarcolemma of cardiomyocytes tunes the magnitude of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release and subsequent contraction. Previous studies from our group revealed that β-adrenergic receptor stimulation in mouse ventricular myocytes triggers mobilization of CaV1.2 channels from early and recycling endosomal reservoirs to augment sarcolemmal expression and clustering and enhancing excitation-contraction coupling. In the heart, the membrane curvature-mediating protein bridging integrator 1 (BIN1) mediates t-tubule micro-folding, and targeted delivery of CaV1.2 channels to t-tubules via anchored microtubules. BIN1 deficits are associated with heart failure. In neurons, BIN1 is known to play an essential role in tubulation of endosomes to permit cargo exit and recycling. We used myocytes isolated from cardiac-specific BIN1 knockout mice, to test the hypothesis that expressional deficits in BIN1 impairs isoproterenol-stimulated endosomal recycling of CaV1.2, reducing the ability to respond to acute stress. Super-resolution Airyscan imaging of immunostained ventricular myocytes revealed that CaV1.2 pools on early and recycling endosomes are mobilized to the sarcolemma to bolster channel expression in response to β-adrenergic stimulation with isoproterenol in WT but not BIN1-/- cells. Moreover, single molecule localization microscopy revealed that isoproterenol-stimulated CaV1.2 upregulation and super-clustering at the t-tubule sarcolemma occurs in wild-type myocytes but is reduced in BIN1+/- and absent in BIN1-/- myocytes. To assess the functional implications on β-adrenergic regulation of CaV1.2 and excitation-contraction coupling, we performed voltage-clamp electrophysiological recordings of whole-cell Ca2+ currents and measured Ca2+transients from paced myocytes finding impaired responses to isoproterenol in BIN1 knockout cells versus wild-type controls. Based on these data, we propose that tight regulation of BIN1 expression is required to support β-adrenergic receptor stimulated CaV1.2 channel trafficking and recycling to increase Ca2+ influx and inotropy in times of acute stress.

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