
ABSTRACT We present the results of a set of radiation magnetohydrodynamic simulations of turbulent molecular clouds in which we vary the initial strength of the magnetic field within a range (1 ≲ μ ≲ 5) consistent with observations of local giant molecular clouds (GMCs). We find that as we increase the strength of the magnetic field, star formation transitions from unimodal (the baseline case, μ = 5, with a single burst of star formation and Salpeter IMF) to bimodal. This effect is clearest in the most strongly magnetized GMC (μ = 1): a first burst of star formation with duration, intensity, and IMF comparable to the baseline case, is followed by a second star formation episode in which only low-mass stars are formed. Overall, due to the second burst of star formation, the strongly magnetized case results in a longer star formation period and a higher efficiency of star formation. The second burst is produced by gas that is not expelled by radiative feedback, instead remains trapped in the GMC by the large-scale B-field, producing a nearly one-dimensional flow of gas along the field lines. The trapped gas has a turbulent and magnetic topology that differs from that of the first phase and strongly suppresses gas accretion onto protostellar cores, reducing their masses. We speculate that this star formation bimodality may be an important ingredient to understand the origin of multiple stellar populations observed in massive globular clusters.

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