
Broadly speaking, the human problem consists of problems associated with itself, problems relating to others, problems related to the environment and the problem of the relationship with God. The inability of humans to adapt to the components mentioned above, causes people in trouble. Islamic Guidance is the process of providing assistance from a mentor (counselor / helper) to a client / helpee. In the implementation of the aid, a mentor / helper should not be overbearing or require client / helpee to follow what he suggested, but merely provide direction, guidance and assistance, and the assistance provided was more focused to help yag relating to psychiatric / mental and not relating to material or financial directly. Problems that occur in society in general are: personal problems, social problems, family problems, marital problems, problems of education, health and physical problems, problems of employment and careers, economic problems, problems of religion, relationship problems young couple. Guidance and counseling is an attempt to avoid and alleviate problems in the community. Guidance and counseling have a function that is a function of prevention, alleviation, understanding, preservation and distribution, and advocacy.


  • Broadly speaking, the human problem consists of problems associated with itself, problems relating to others, problems related to the environment and the problem of the relationship with God

  • Islamic Guidance is the process of providing assistance from a mentor to a client / helpee

  • Problems that occur in society in general are: personal problems, social problems, family problems, marital problems, problems of education, health and physical problems, problems of employment and careers, economic problems, problems of religion, relationship problems young couple

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Bimbingan dan Konseling Islami

Pada sub judul tersebut di atas terdapat tiga kata yaitu bimbingan, konseling dan Islami. Bimbingan Islami adalah usaha bantuan yang sitematis dan kontenu yang diberikan oleh pembimbing kepada individu atau kelompok individu, agar mencapai kebahagiaan hidup di dunia dan akhirat dengan cara peningkatan pengetahuan diri (self knowledge), kesediaan menerima diri sendiri (self acceptance), kepercayaan diri (self confidence), kedisiplinan (self diciplener), dengan petunjuk-petunjuk yang islami sehingga dengan demikian individu/kelompok individu dapat menentukan tindakan yang tepat dalam kehidupan di dunia sesuai dengan petunjuk. Konseling islami adalah usaha bantuan terhadap individu yang dilakukan oleh konselor Islam terhadap individu yang beragama Islam dalam menghadapi berbagai problem kehidupan dari berbagai aspek, dengan memahami diri sendiri, orang lain dan lingkungannya dibarengi dengan upaya peningkatan keyakinan dan keimanan terhadap Allah SWT, dengan berpegang kepada Alqura dan hadist.

Problem Pribadi
Problem Sosial
Problem Pendidikan
Problem Perkawinan
Problem Keadaan Fisik dan Kesehatan
Problem Pekerjaan dan Karir
Panyuluh dan Fungsinya di Masyarakat
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