
The article highlights the importance and timeliness for Ukraine of required implementation of BIM technologies in design and construction. The expediency of "BIM-standard" for modern architectural bureaus and construction companies all over the world in the design, construction and operation of objects is announced. The introduction of innovative BIM technology in the project organizations and the emergence of new roles from the specialists of higher, middle and lower qualification: BIM-manager, BIM-coordinator, BIM-user.The hierarchy of basic responsibilities and functions of BIM managers is discussed in detail. Implementation process management, BIM manager application management at the company level. Assisting the BIM-manager in the modeling part and advising the users on the project development by the BIM-coordinator. Layout of drawings, gradual training of simple modeling by the beginning BIM-user. At the same time there is a shortage of personnel in Ukraine with a deep knowledge of BIM technologies. Establishment of specialized courses and trainings for "education" and integration of professional BIM project managers. However, in the development of such technologies by the leading universities of Ukraine, there are significant shortcomings - obtaining only basic skills of developing an architectural model without systematic information content, accounting for interaction resources in the BIM environment, project diagnostics.It is proposed to involve experienced professionals in real design, leading profile institutions, training and experimental centers to form an in-depth specialized training course for senior specialists. Expanding the use of BIM and supporting the practice of companies-distributors of such software (Autodesk, Bentley, Graphisoft, Nemetschek, Tekla), the activity of the initiative platform for the implementation of BIM in Ukraine within the Architectural Club, KBU and BIM-Community.The training of BIM managers requires a shortened or expanded program, depending on the experience and preparedness of the specialists. For example, arranging education at a specialized university, advanced training or other post-graduate courses at licensed training centers. At the same time, it provides coverage of modeling training, setting up teamwork, project administration, quality control, effective organization of BIM processes in own activities and in the company as a whole. This defines the content, stages and specifics of the program of the staff development - architects, designers, engineers and other specialists to BIM-reality, with subsequent testing and certification.

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