
Building information modelling (BIM) is trying to overcome the issue of interoperability by promoting the collaboration between different professions, which enables Building Performance Assessments (BPA) to take place earlier in the design process. Nevertheless, the interoperability is rarely perfect and information is lost during translation from BIM authoring tool to simulation software or the interoperability is limited to the translation of the geometry. The discrepancies in data translations from BIM authoring tool to specific Calculation Virtual Environments (CVE) for energy and acoustic evaluation are considered. For the energy performance evaluation two software tools are tested in the present research paper, namely the Design Builder and IES VE , using IFC and gbXML as data exchange formats. Furthermore, a solution is proposed for overcoming the interoperability issue about acoustic evaluation by adapting programming language in Dynamo Graphical Interface for calculation of acoustic parameters, namely the Reverberation time and Schroeder’s frequency, which allow room quality evaluation to take place earlier in the design process as they are crucial for educational and other facility usage buildings.

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