
Bilâl b. Rabah al-Habashî is among the first people who convert to Islam. After becoming a Muslim, he never left the Messenger of Allah until his death. As he was the first person who recites adhan, he had an exceptional place in the history of Islam. He witnessed almost the entire period of prophethood of Muhammad, which lasted for twenty-three years. Although he was always with the Prophet, very few hadiths were reported from him. In this study, after briefly giving information about the life of Bilâl, who is accepted as the leader of the muazzins, his position in the hadith sources in particular Kutub al-Sitta was tried to be examined and evaluated. Finally, information was given about the work named Musnedu Bilâl al-Habashî, in which the hadiths reported from him were brought together. In the hadith sources, a special title about Bilâl was opened and his virtue or narrations about him were included. It has been observed that the narrations reported focus on the subjects such as his being a Muslim, reading the call to prayer, being one of the first people in order to migrate to Madinah, and serving as the spokesperson and helper of the Prophet.

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