
For burrow-nesting seabirds, investigators have examined nestling diet by attaching harnesses to the bills of nestlings to intercept food delivered by the parent. To determine whether this method provides an unbiased estimate of nestling diet, we evaluated its effect on the provisioning behavior of Tufted Puffins (Fratercula cirrhata) nesting on Triangle Island, British Columbia. Adults delivering food to nestlings with bill harnesses always hesitated before entering a burrow with food, increasing their susceptibility to kleptoparasitism by gulls, and did not always leave the food intended for the nestling. These responses by adult puffins could lead to underestimates of energy intake rates of nestlings and unreliable comparisons with other species if prey left by adults in nest burrows were the only source of data. We also compared estimates of the species, number, and size of prey delivered by adult puffins as determined by direct observation from blinds to samples of prey collected directly from nest burrows and found that the two sampling techniques produced similar results. However, identifying rare prey species and gathering precise information about prey length, mass, and condition require collection of prey, and we recommend using a combination of techniques to obtain the most reliable estimates of nestling diet.

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