
Nadgrobna stela Likeja (Liccaeus), sina Vejova, centuriona liburne Lucusta, izložena je u lapidariju u Osoru (Apsorus) na otoku Cresu (Crexi). Bila je objavljena više puta, ali ni jedna od tih objava nije uzela u obzir sve raspoložive podatke o mjestu njezina nalaska. Likej i njegov nasljednik Dabal (Dabalus), sin Tritov, nisu pripadali starosjedilačkom stanovništvu otoka, već su mogli potjecati s delmatskog područja. Unatoč tomu, Likej je morao biti istaknuta osoba u Apsoru jer mu je bilo dodijeljeno javno zemljište za njegov pogreb. Njegov je nadgrobni spomenik pronađen u Osoru, a ne u Punti Križa, selu udaljenom kojih 15 km južno od Osora.


  • The funerary stele of the centurion from the liburna Lucusta, Liccaeus, son of Veius, is one of the most beautiful exhibits in the small lapidarium at Osor,[1] Roman Apsorus on the island of Cres

  • Nel terreno vocabolo Campa a Punta Croce”). His measurements differ from those of Petris: 127 x 44 x 15.5 cm.[6]. In his previous article in the same journal, in which he published a report on a small rescue excavation of the Apsorus forum in the main square of Osor, Sticotti noted the existence of two Roman cemeteries of Apsorus: one, slightly more distant, was located on the coast of the island of Lošinj beyond the canal (Euripo), while remains of the other should be sought in the field called Kampa, on the coast of Punta Križa, where a few years earlier the tombstone of a naval centurion Liccaeus had been discovered (“[...] di un’altra si hanno tracce nella località detta Campa sulla costiera di Punta Croce, ove poco fa ritornò alla luce la lapide di un milite classiario [...]”).[7]

  • Liccaeus Vei f(ilius) / >(centurio) de liburna / Lu- suggested by Sticotti, not plausible; a(mico) mer(ito): custa / testamento /5 fieri iussit arbit(ratu) / Dabali Cambi; line 9: loc(us) publ(ice) dat(us), Kubitschek

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The funerary stele of the centurion from the liburna Lucusta, Liccaeus, son of Veius, is one of the most beautiful exhibits in the small lapidarium at Osor,[1] Roman Apsorus on the island of Cres (ancient Crexi, Fig. 1). It has been published several times but no publication took into account all available data concerning its site of discovery. Since this data is contradictory, it should be discussed and clarified

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