
Eight women (ages 18-65 years; mean, 47 years) with biliary cystadenoma (n = 3) or cystadenocarcinoma (n = 5) were examined with computed tomography and sonography. The appearance of the tumors varied from unilocular cystic masses to multilocular cystic masses with multiple satellite tumors, although the majority (n = 6) of tumors were single, multilocular, and cystic. Cystic areas showed attenuation numbers under +30 HU. Papillary excrescences, nodular thickening of internal septa, and mural nodules, which showed contrast enhancement, were seen in one case of cystadenoma and all five cases of cystadenocarcinoma. One cystadenoma and one cystadenocarcinoma contained calcifications. Three cases showed connection to the intrahepatic bile ducts. Biliary cystadenoma and cystadenocarcinoma should be the primary diagnostic consideration when one detects in a middle-aged woman a well-encapsulated, multilocular cystic mass connected to the biliary system or prolapsing into the bile duct.

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