
The military bath from Capidava was excavated first in 1988-1993, by a different team, but unfortunately was never published. The authors of this paper made a second excavation of the building, in 2017, and together with the few data from the first excavation, are trying to shed some light on this subject. The building is a small bathing complex, with a simple circuit, erected during the reign of Trajan. It has two phases, an early 2nd century phase and another dating from early 3rd century, with several reparations in between. The only dating elements are the brick stamps, namely their comparative typology, especially those from legio XI Claudia pia fidelis and the early 3rd century legio XI Claudia Antoniniana. As an interesting feature we mention the presence of a sudatio/laconicum (hot sauna), quite uncommon for the smaller baths such as this.

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