
Commensal microorganisms are responsible for numerous diseases of animals, including diseases of internal organs (gastroenteritis, pneumonia, nephritis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, etc.). Cholangiohepatitis, one of the most common liver diseases in cats, is often fatal. The focus of the study was the bile of cats, suffering from acute cholangiohepatitis. The bile was sampled using non-lethal method guided by USG. The bile amount, taken from cats by percutaneous puncture of the gall bladder, was 2.6 ± 0.85 cm 3 . No complications following the cholecystocentesis were observed in the animals. The microbiocenosis of bile from 51 cats was studied. Acute fe line neutrophilic cholangiohepatitis is mostly caused by commensal bacteria. The range of bacterial pathogens includes the isolates of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter aerogenes, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Proteus vulgaris, Proteus mirabilis, Enterobacter cloacae, Citrobacter freundii . The infectious process was caused by two-component associations in 75% of cases, and by three-component associations in 25%. Most common polycomponent bacterial associations included E. faecalis + E. coli (26.9%), less common – E. aerogenes + E. coli (15.4%), P. vulgaris + E. coli (11.5%), S. aureus + E. coli (11.5%), rarely – P. aeruginosa + E. coli (7.7%), S. aureus + E. cloacae (3.9%), S. aureus + E. faecalis (3.9%), P. mirabilis + E. coli (3.9%), S. epidermidis + E. coli (3.9%), E. coli + S. epidermidis + E. faecalis (3.9%), P. aeruginosa + E. coli + S. epidermidis (3.9%), E. faecalis + E. coli + C. freundii (3.9%). The predominant component of the mentioned associations is E. coli serovars O101 (28.9%), O41 (2.0%), O141 (15.6%), O26 (13.3%), O138 (13.3%), O15 (6.7%) and O33 (2.2%). It was established that 76.25% of commensal microorganism isolates, recovered from the bile of cats, suffering from feline cholangiohepatitis, were pathogenic for white mice.


  • The authors wish to thank Professor Boris V

  • SUMMARY Commensal microorganisms are responsible for numerous diseases of animals, including diseases of internal organs

  • The focus of the study was the bile of cats, suffering from acute cholangiohepatitis

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Микробиоценоз желчи у кошек при остром холангиогепатите

РЕЗЮМЕ Условно-патогенные микроорганизмы являются возбудителями множества заболеваний у животных, в том числе внутренних болезней (гастроэнтерит, пневмония, нефрит, гепатит, холецистит и т. д.). Объектом исследования была желчь кошек, больных острым холангиогепатитом, полученная прижизненно под контролем ультрасонографии. Основной причиной острого нейтрофильного холангиогепатита у кошек являются условно-патогенные бактерии. Из поликомпонентных бактериальных ассоциаций у больных кошек чаще всего встречались E. faecalis + E. coli (26,9%), реже – E. aerogenes + E. coli (15,4%), P. vulgaris + E. coli (11,5%), S. aureus + E. coli (11,5%), редко – P. aeruginosa + E. coli (7,7%), S. aureus + E. cloacae (3,9%), S. aureus + E. faecalis (3,9%),­ P. mirabilis + E. coli (3,9%), S. epidermidis + E. coli (3,9%), E. coli + S. epidermidis + E. faecalis (3,9%), P. aeruginosa + E. coli + S. epidermidis (3,9%), E. faecalis + E. coli + C. freundii (3,9%). Установлено, что 76,25% изолятов условно-патогенных микроорганизмов, изолированных из желчи больных холангиогепатитом кошек, были патогенными для белых мышей. Ф. Микробиоценоз желчи у кошек при остром холангиогепатите.

Bile microbiocenosis in cats suffering from acute cholangiohepatitis
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