
With the introduction of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, an increase in the incidence of bile duct injury two to three times that seen in open cholecystectomy was witnessed. Although some of these injuries were blamed on the "learning curve," many occurred long after the surgeon had passed his initial experience. We are still seeing these injuries today. To better understand the mechanism behind these injuries, in the hope of reducing the injury rate, 177 cases of bile duct injury during laparoscopic cholecystectomy were reviewed. All records were studied, including the initial operative reports and all subsequent treatments. Videotapes of the procedures were available for review in 45 (25%) of the cases. All X-ray studies, including interoperative cholangiograms and ERCPs, were reviewed. The vast majority of the injuries seen in this review (71%) were a direct result of the surgeon misidentifying the anatomy. This misidentification led to ligation and division of the common bile duct in 116 (65%) of the cases. Cholangiograms were performed in only 18% (32 patients) of cases, and in only two patients was the bile duct injury recognized as a result of the cholangiogram. Review of the X-rays showed that in each instance of common bile duct ligation and transection in which a cholangiogram was performed the impending injury was in evidence on the X-ray films but ignored by the surgeon. From this review, several conclusions can be drawn. First and foremost, the majority of bile duct injuries seen with laparoscopic cholecystectomy can either be prevented or minimized if the surgeon adheres to a simple and basic rule of biliary surgery; NO structure is ligated or divided until it is absolutely identified! Cholangiography will not prevent bile duct injury, but if performed properly, it will identify an impending injury before the level of injury is extended. And lastly, the incidence of bile duct injury is not related to the laparoscopic technique but to a failure of the surgeon to translate his knowledge and skills from his open experience to the laparoscopic technique.

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