
Part 1: Setting the Context 1. Introduction William T. Tow and Brendan Taylor 2. Conceptualising the Bilateral-multilateral Nexus Brendan Taylor Part 2: The Nexus and America's Alliances 3. Bridging Alliances and Asia-Pacific Multilateralism Ajin Choi and William T. Tow 4. Stretching the Japan-US Alliance Rikki Kersten 5. The US-Philippines Alliance: Moving Beyond Bilateralism Renato De Castro 6. Thailand's Security Policy: Bilateralism or Multilateralism? Chulacheeb Chinwanno Part 3: The Nexus and Multilateralism 7. The Role of the Five Power Defence Arrangements in the Southeast Security Architecture Ralf Emmers 8. Territorial and Maritime Jurisdiction Disputes in East Asia: Comparing Bilateral and Multilateral Approaches Aileen SP Baviera 9. The Bilateral-Multilateral Nexus in Asia's Defence Diplomacy David Capie Part 4: The Nexus and Security Order 10. The Rise of China and the Transformation of Asia-Pacific Security Architecture Ryo Sahashi 11. Alliances and Order in the Asian Century Hugh White 12. Conceptualizing the Relationship between Bilateral and Multilateral Security Approaches in East Asia: A Great Power Regional Order Framework Evelyn Goh 13. Conclusion William T. Tow

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