
In Robo3cKO mice, midline crossing defects of the trigeminothalamic projections from the trigeminal principal sensory nucleus result in bilateral whisker maps in the somatosensory thalamus and consequently in the face representation area of the primary somatosensory (S1) cortex (Renier et al., 2017; Tsytsarev et al., 2017). We investigated whether this bilateral sensory representation in the whisker-barrel cortex is also reflected in the downstream projections from the S1 to the primary motor (M1) cortex. To label these projections, we injected anterograde viral axonal tracer in S1 cortex. Corticocortical projections from the S1 distribute to similar areas across the ipsilateral hemisphere in control and Robo3cKO mice. Namely, in both genotypes they extend to the M1, premotor/prefrontal cortex (PMPF), secondary somatosensory (S2) cortex. Next, we performed voltage-sensitive dye imaging (VSDi) in the left hemisphere following ipsilateral and contralateral single whisker stimulation. While controls showed only activation in the contralateral whisker barrel cortex and M1 cortex, the Robo3cKO mouse left hemisphere was activated bilaterally in both the barrel cortex and the M1 cortex. We conclude that the midline crossing defect of the trigeminothalamic projections leads to bilateral whisker representations not only in the thalamus and the S1 cortex but also downstream from the S1, in the M1 cortex.

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