
SUMMARY The influenc of the renln-angiotensie n system on individual kidney function of two-kidney, oneclip Goldblatt hypertensive (GH wa) rats evaluates bdy determining renal functional responses during intra-venous infusio on f converting enzyme inhibitor (CEI) (SQ 20,881 0J rag/100, g-hr for) 3.5 bourn. Rats weremade hypertensiv be y placing a 0.25 mm silver clip on the right renal arter 3-y4 weeks prior to study. Normalrats and GH rats were prepare tdo allow urine collections from each kidney. Mean arteria of Gl pressurH erats fell significantly from preinfusio of 15n level3 ± 7s to 126 ± 4 mm Hg during CEI infusion. Despite thisdecrease in arterial pressure, the nondipped kidneys with reduced renal renin activit ± 5 vs 29y (13 ±4 40 ngAl/mg-hr in th clippee d kidney) exhibited dramati in gtomerulac increaser filtrations (GFR rat (fro)e m1.45 ± 0.06 to 2.56 ± 0.3 ml/mln)5 , urine (4.8 flow2 ± 0.71 to 9.11 ± 1.1 ^il/mln)9 , sodium excretion(0.10 ± 0.02 to 1.15 0.3 ± 9 MEq/mln), fractional sodium excretion (0.05 ± 0.02% % to 0.43 ±% 0.18%), andpotassium excretion (0.9 ±4 0.08 to 2.50 ± 0.55 /<Eq/mln). Significant arterial-pressure-associated decreasesIn GFR, urin e flow, and salt excretion were observe in th clippee d d kidney In. normal rats CE,I infusionproduced reduction isn arterial pressure and increase in GFRs , urine flow, and sodium excretion that o werf esmaller magnitude than thos ie observen th nondippee d d kidney of GsH rats. Plasma renin wa activits ysignificantly highe inr GH rats than in normal rats (24.0 ± 2.7 vs 12.8 ± 3.4 n AI/mMir)g . The augmentedrenal response tos CE I by the nondipped kidney suggest that elevated circulating angiotensi a n levels exertsubstantial influence on hemodynamic and excretory functio of thesne kidneys even though intrarenal renin ac-tivity is markedly reduced. This influence may lea tod fluid and electrolyte retention and may partially explainthe apparent failur of the nondippee d kidne toy preven tht e development of hypertension.(Hypertension 3: 285-293, 1981)KEY WORDS • renal hypertensio • glomerulan filtration rate •r sodium • excretionrenin-angiotensin • urine flow

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