
Torsion of uterine adnexa is an important cause of acute abdominal pain in which torsion of ovarian masses is quite common. Parovarian cysts are benign cysts that are included within the subject of ovarian cysts due to their close position. They are seen rarely in children and are difficult to diagnose. It usually appears as an intra abdominal mass with a clinical picture of acute abdomen in the prepubertal period. The treatment is excision of the cyst with salvage of the ovary and fallopian tubes in uncomplicated cases whereas cyst excision with salpingo- oopherectomy may be required in case of adnexal torsion. We present such a case of 12 yrs girl presented with acute abdomen with intra abdominal mass, diagnosed provisionally as a twisted ovarian cyst and undergone laprotomy; unilateral torsion of parovarian ovarian cyst(10x8 cms) involving right ovary with fallopian tube in pedicle with contralateral parovarian cyst (6x5cms) noted. Ipsilateral adenexal removal(including ovary and fallopian tube with twisted parovarian cyst showing gangrenous changes with enucleation of parovarian cyst on contralateral side with conserving left ovary and fallopian tube. Conclusion: The paraovarian cyst may reach a large size and cause numerous complications, the most frequent of which is adnexal torsion, which could be prevented by an early diagnosis and surgical treatment.

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