
Abstract Communication and exchange of accident information and monitoring data during nuclear emergencies is of crucial importance for a coherent crisis management, especially in cross border regions. In Germany and the Netherlands the need for a reliable information and data exchange for cross border emergency management was recognized and resulted in a Memorandum of Understanding between our countries. A (sub) working group of the Niederländisch-Deutsche Kommission für grenznahe kerntechnische Einrichtungen (NDKK) was formed by NLWKN, BfS and RIVM. The working group reviewed the technical requirements and operational aspects of a coherent data and information exchange between national and federal emergency centers and the state authorities. The data exchange comprises various messages, documents, measurement data and prognostic results from model calculations from the technical decision support centers of NLWKN, BfS and RIVM. Integrated accident information is available on the emergency management websites ELAN (D) and CalWeb (NL). Via regular data exchange programs and exercises special attention is given to ensure long term sustainability of the technical infrastructure and operational data exchange procedures.

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