
and importance: Bilateral complete ureteral duplication is a rare urinary tract abnormality and presence of unilateral ectopic ureter makes it a rarest entity. Continuous urinary dribbling with normal voiding pattern and recurrent UTI are frequent presenting complains in case of ectopic ureter. Long term childhood problem of urinary incontinence with delayed diagnosis in adult in this case makes it a perfect case to report. We present a case of 17-year-old girl with continuous urinary dribbling and constant wetting with normal voiding pattern since childhood. She also had recurrent history of urinary tract infections. Local external examination of genitourinary system was found to be normal. There were skin lesions on buttocks and thighs suggestive of urine dermatitis. There were no examination findings of other congenital anomalies. Complete blood count, Renal function test, Serology, Urine R/ME, Urine culture and sensitivity, Ultrasound abdomen and pelvis, Computed Tomography scan, intraoperative cystoscopy were done. Right upper pole hemi nephroureterectomy was performed. She was post operatively managed with IV Fluids, antibiotics, analgesics, antipyretics and antiemetics. She is asymptomatic now and regularly followed up on OPD basis. Congenital abnormalities of the genitourinary system like ectopic ureter should be clinically suspected in case of persistent urinary problems like urinary dribbling with normal voiding pattern and recurrent urinary tract infections. Upper pole heminephrectomy is an ideal choice of treatment in case of nonfunctional upper moiety. This case emphasizes the early detection of genitourinary abnormalities and provide the perspective on late diagnosis and management in such cases.

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