
The problem of coding labeled trees has been widely studied in the literature and several bijective codes that realize associations between labeled trees and sequences of labels have been presented. k-trees are one of the most natural and interesting generalizations of trees and there is considerable interest in developing efficient tools to manipulate this class of graphs, since many NP-Complete problems have been shown to be polynomially solvable on k-trees and partial k-trees. In 1970 Renyi and Renyi generalized the Prufer code, the first bijective code for trees, to a subset of labeled k-trees. Subsequently, non redundant codes that realize bijection between k-trees (or Renyi k-trees) and a well defined set of strings were produced. In this paper we introduce a new bijective code for labeled k-trees which, to the best of our knowledge, produces the first coding and decoding algorithms running in linear time with respect to the size of the k-tree.

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