
Coverage-guided fuzzing is a powerful technique for finding security vulnerabilities and latent bugs in software. Such fuzzers usually store the coverage information in a small bitmap. Hash collision within this bitmap is a well-known issue and can reduce fuzzers' ability to discover potential bugs. Prior works noted that collision mitigation with naïvely enlarging the hash space leads to an unacceptable runtime overhead. This paper describes BigMap, a two-level hashing scheme that enables using an arbitrarily large coverage_bitmap with low overhead. The key observation is that the overhead stems from frequent operations performed on the full bitmap, although only a fraction of the map is actively used. BigMap condenses these scattered active regions on a second bitmap and limits the operations only on that condensed area. We implemented our approach on top of the popular fuzzer AFL and conducted experiments on 19 benchmarks from FuzzBench and OSS-Fuzz. The results indicate that BigMap does not suffer from increased runtime overhead even with large map sizes. Compared to AFL, BigMap achieved an average of 4.5x higher test case generation throughput for a 2MB map and 33.1x for an 8MB map. The throughput gain for the 2MB map increased further to 9.2x with parallel fuzzing sessions, indicating superior scalability of BigMap. More importantly, BigMap's compatibility with most coverage metrics, along with its efficiency on bigger maps, enabled exploring aggressive compositions of expensive coverage metrics and fuzzing algorithms, uncovering 33% more unique crashes. BigMap makes using large bitmaps practical and enables researchers to explore a wider design space of coverage metrics

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