
In the field of household products like air conditioner, food protective wrapper silver foil, compressor, fabrics and washing machine manufacture, subscriber or consumer utilized engineered silver nanoparticles of multi bigger size (100 nm size range or more) demand has been extensively increased with increase of negative feedback while using. For the purpose to assess the effect of bigger size silver nano particles on body nutritional status, a serial oral application of silver nanoparticle colloidal stirring cool solution has been made upon pregnant Swiss Albino mice. On serial application (Daily once in morning 9 am continuously from 6 to 19 gestational ages) by repeated gavages during pregnancy pass through portal venous circulation towards liver after gastro intestinal tract absorption hampers mother nutrition by blocking intra hepatic billiary radical and also drastically affect fetal nutrition following same mechanism after crossing blood placental barrier due to gradual accumulation. The present research investigates whether orally induce colloidal silver nanoparticles (AgNps) reach after crossing mother mouse blood placental barrier and induce adverse effects in fetuses from treated group. Pregnant Swiss Albino female mouse from treated group are exposed during the first 13 days of gestation by serial oral bolotic application of bigger size silvernano colloid stirring cool solution at volume of 6, 12, 18, 24 mg/kg b.w. corresponds to individual group when compared with double distilled water vehicle control. Black ash colored bigger silver nanoparticles are identified scattered in maternal and fetal liver, upper GI tissues, placental and umbilical cord tissues of pregnant mother and fetuses after cesarean section and organ removal in gross , histological and TEM view. Particles are found in chronic depositative manner severely blocking portal triad of liver, IHBR and portovenous route. Transmission electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive spectroscopy confirmed the size range of particle silvernano from 71 to 1900 nm range. Serial oral ingestion of bigger size AgNps results in increased number of resorbed and malnutriated fetuses associated with reduced mother body and liver (sink & weak) weight and diet. Increased expression of particle accumulation is also detected in the placental cut section of treated groups. The acquired results indicates bigger size nanosilver are able to reach fetus after crossing the pregnant mouse blood placental barrier and portovenous circulation causing hamper of mother and fetus nutrition by obstruction of micro and macro channels. Henceforth as a conclusion, it is wise to take precaution with respect to oral exposure of bigger size silvernanoparticles during pregnancy.

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