
As the miniaturization of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has increased, significant quantities of data have been developed in the last decade.This explosion has created the need to manage these volumes of data to make the most of this mass of information for an ever-growing audience. Effective indexing and searching in large data collections is therefore a very topical and urgent issue. Many data, IoT and indexing solutions have given users valuable information about the large volumes of information produced by IoT devices. However, these solutions are still in their initial phases and there is no exhaustive study in the field. This article examines advanced research efforts to index large data on IoT. In addition, this survey shows the study of IoT data on a large scale. In addition, the main types, methods and technologies of IoT data analysis for large-scale data mining are discussed. These include open research challenges, such as privacy protection and large-scale data mining.

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