
<p style='text-indent:20px;'>In this paper we study the protection zone problem to a predator-prey model subject to Beddington-DeAngelis functional responses and small prey growth rate. This is a successive work to a previous paper of the authors [X. He, S. N. Zheng, Protection zone in a diffusive predator-prey model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response, J. Math. Biol. 75 (2017) 239-257], where the model with large prey growth rate was considered. At first we establish the existence and multiplicity of positive steady state solutions, and then give the dynamic behavior of the evolution problem. It is proved that there may be no positive steady state, or may have at leat one, two, or even three positive steady states, depending on the parameters involved such as the growth rate, the predation rate, and the food handling time of the predators, the growth rate and the refuge ability of the preys, and the sizes of the habitat with protection zone. In addition, it is shown that the dynamics of the solutions rely on the initial state as well, e.g., though there could be multiple positive steady states, the prey will go to extinction as time tends to infinity if its initial value is small.

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