
Objectives The purposes of this study were to critically investigate AltSchool, a technology-based future school that was once spotlighted for its innovative individualized model of learning, on the basis of Biesta’s concept of practical intersubjectivity. We hope to gain insights into what future education discourses should take into account by exploring the meaning of education.
 Methods We reviewed Biesta’s concept of practical intersubjectivity on the theoretical level and used it to analyze AltSchool’s curriculum and implementation. We particularly focused on the idea of understanding education as dynamic and reciprocal process of meaning making, which is thinking beyond subjectivism.
 Results AltSchool assumed education as individualized activities that follows rational and hierarchical principles and is acted out by individual sutdent subject and thus provided individualized learning that was guided by big data and algorithm. This approach overlooked the relational nature of education and caused teachers to take part mainly in technical interactions and accountability ambiguous. Moreover, it led to learnification of education in which spaces for cooperative inquiry on social and ethical responsibitilies of education were limited.
 Conclusions Critical reflection on the purpose of education in a holistic life and the meaning of education as practical intersubjectivity should serve as a focal point of the discourse on future education.

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