
Connectionist temporal classification (CTC) based on recurrent (RNNs) or convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is a method for end-to-end acoustic modeling. Inspired by the recent success of the self-attention network (SAN) in machine translation and other domains such as images, we apply the SAN to CTC acoustic modeling in this paper. SAN has powerful capabilities for capturing global dependencies, but it cannot model the sequential information and local interactions of utterances. The bidirectional temporal convolution with self-attention network (BTCSAN) is proposed in order to capture both the global and local dependencies of utterances. Furthermore, the down- and upsampling strategies are adopted in the proposed BTCSAN in order to achieve computational efficiency and high recognition accuracy. Experiments are carried out using the King-ASR-117 Japanese corpus. The proposed BTCSAN can obtain a 15.87% relative improvement in the CER over the BLSTM-based CTC baseline.

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