
The pineal gland is a vertebrate neuroendocrine organ converting environmental photoperiodic information into a biochemical message (melatonin) that subsequently regulates the activity of numerous target tissues after its release into the bloodstream. A phylogenetically conserved feature is increased melatonin synthesis during darkness, even though there are differences between mammals and birds in the regulation of rhythmic pinealocyte function. Membrane-bound melatonin receptors are found in many peripheral organs, including lymphoid glands and immune cells, from which melatonin receptor genes have been characterized and cloned. The expression of melatonin receptor genes within the immune system shows species and organ specificity. The pineal gland, via the rhythmical synthesis and release of melatonin, influences the development and function of the immune system, although the postreceptor signal transduction system is poorly understood. Circulating messages produced by activated immune cells are reciprocally perceived by the pineal gland and provide feedback for the regulation of pineal function. The pineal gland and the immune system are, therefore, reciprocally linked by bidirectional communication.

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