
In utilizing natural resources from the sea, the Indonesian government has obliged fishermen to distribute all the fish they catch at a fish auction institution that has been provided at each landing port, namely the Fish Auction Place or known as Tempat Pelelangan Ikan (TPI) in Bahasa. In this study, we made a sample case at the TPI Muara Angke, North Jakarta which has a function to improve the welfare of fishermen through an auction which is expected to achieve optimal prices. However, in practice, it turns out that there are often price discrepancies expected by fishermen because there are no bidders who bid for more of the fish they have made fishermen prefer to sell their fish catches into cold storage or even directly abroad due to a bad auction system. This is very detrimental to Indonesia because it has lost a lot of its national income. Therefore, it is necessary to digitize the embodied fish auction process in the form of an online mobile platform-based fish auction application to be able to introduce fish training more widely so that many auction participants want to bid higher fish auction prices without limited space and time for bidders participate in the auction so that the potential value obtained by fishermen can be greater and in accordance with the expectations of the fishermen. In this study, we built a mobile application for online fish auctions called “BidFish” which consists of two applications for admin (TPI) and users who have the auction feature (auction) in real time within the time specified by the admin who will automatically determines compiling a price quote from the highest price other than that there is a deposit storage feature (BidPay) which is a requirement for the user to be able to attend an auction. This application is built with the Android platform considering the level of Android smartphone usage is very large in Indonesia so it is expected to be a solution to the price mismatch problem that occurs in an auction by getting more bidders.

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