
By the time this editorial goes to press all qualified employed dental nurses will have registered with the General Dental Council (GDC). The animated clock and the days to registration count-down display will have finally disappeared from the home page of the GDC's website. It will therefore be no surprise that this edition of Dental Nursing is packed with information on continuing professional development (CPD). This topic will be at the forefront of your mind as you are now entering your first 5-year cycle of CPD. This may initially appear a daunting task, as you will need to keep meticulous records of courses attended and safeguard your certificates. You will have to consider what you will record for non-verifiable CPD and mostimportantly, you will need to carefully choose your CPD to enhance your own professional development. You will, however, have plenty of support available. Dental Nursing will continue to inform, assist and encourage you professionally and a new venture with Mersey Deanery will also provide you with accessible verifiable CPD through the Dental Nursing website. It is certainly an exciting time for dental nurses and for the Journal. I hope that registration, CPD and other professional responsibilities you will encounter will finally provide the impetus for the readership to provide a letter page. This is something that the editorial team has always been enthusiastic to develop, but we require your input. Your professional voice and opinion is always at the concern of Dental Nursing.

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