
The Competition Act 2002, aims at fostering competition in the Indian market and at preventing those practices which are having adverse effect on competition. The act prohibits abuse of dominant position and ensures freedom of trade in Indian market so as to protect the interest of the consumers. The Act prohibits any agreement which causes, or is likely to cause, appreciable adverse effect on the competition in markets in India and holds any such agreement as void. Bid rigging is one of those agreements that shall be presumed to have an appreciable adverse effect on competition under section 3 of the Act. This research paper is designed in a respect of big rigging with special reference to Indian Railways. A brief description regarding bid rigging and its related issues has been provided herein. Certain research problems like what is bid rigging, what are its type, what is the root cause of bid rigging, who is the regulatory authority and who can take cognizance to deal with such types of cases has been very clearly dealt with. Hence, the basic design of this research work is to provide an idea and related information regarding bid rigging. Suspicious indicators of bid rigging have also been provided herein to have an idea of its existence. Along with this, certain means and measures has also been provided that can be taken into consideration so that there shall not arise any kind of bid rigging cases.

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