
Mataram City Government established a bicycle lane at Udayana Street as an alternative for all community to shift their motorized transport by bicycle as a daily transport and to support the NTB Cycling program from NTB Provincial Government. To accommodate changing mode of transportation from motorbikes or cars to bicycles, it is necessary to develop bicycle lanes in Mataram City. Vissim software used to forecast the impact of bicycles lane development at 9 provincial roads as the study area. From the analysis after implementation of bicycles lane development, there is a decrease in level of service based on Volume per Capacity Ratio. In addition, at signal intersection show an increase in queue length and vehicle delays. To minimize the impact of bicycles lane development, mitigation is carried out by rearranging the intersection cycle time. And the result is a reducing of CO, NOx and VOC emissions, fuel consumption, vehicle queue lengths and vehicle delays.

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