
Biclustering is a method of grouping numerical data where rows and columns are grouped simultaneously. The Cheng and Church (CC) algorithm is one of the bi-clustering algorithms that try to find the maximum bi-cluster with a high similarity value, called MSR (Mean Square Residue). The association of rows and columns is called a bi-cluster if the MSR is lower than a predetermined threshold value (delta). Detection of people's welfare in Indonesia using Bi-Clustering is essential to get an overview of the characteristics of people's interest in each province in Indonesia. Bi-Clustering using the CC algorithm requires a threshold value (delta) determined by finding the MSR value of the actual data. The threshold value (delta) must be smaller than the MSR of the actual data. This study's threshold values are 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, and 0.8. After evaluating the optimum delta by considering the MSR value and the bi-cluster formed, the optimum delta is obtained as 0.1, with the number of bi-cluster included as 4.

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