
Botrytis cinerea Pers. causes gray mold on greenhouse-grown geraniums (Pelargonium ×hortorum L. H. Bailey), among many other crops. Bicarbonates effectively control rose powdery mildew (Plant Dis. 76:247–480) and inhibit B. cinerea in vitro colony growth and conidial germination (Phytopathology 84:546, 1065). To examine bicarbonate effects on gray mold incidence and geranium growth, we sprayed seedling geranium cultivars Red Elite and Scarlet Elite weekly with 0, 25, and 50 mM NH4HCO3 or KHCO3. Seedlings were transplanted in Metromix 360 and misted every 24 m for 5 s to enhance disease development. Data were collected biweekly on disease incidence, floral number, plant height, and dry weight. Both cultivars performed similarly. Disease incidence decreased with application of bicarbonates. KHCO3 at 25 mM slightly increased dry weight and height over 0 mM, whereas 25 and 50 mM NH4HCO3 greatly increased both features. Fifty mM KHCO3 decreased height slightly, but had no effect on dry weight. Floral number decreased slightly with all bicarbonate treatments. It is indicated that KHCO3 at low levels and NH4HCO3 enhance seedling geranium growth by controlling gray mold incidence and by providing additional nutrients. (Supported by H&I Agritech Inc., Ithaca, NY 14850.)

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