
Libraries in the 21st century have the goal and task to preserve the wealth of spiritual culture, taken over from ancient times when books and literacy played a very important role in creating the history, not only of monastery libraries but also of rulers and intelligent people, whose role was from of crucial importance for their creation. Libraries in cultural institutions represent historical places due to the specificity and historical layering preserved in them, thanks to which they shape the cultural identity of the local community, including the intellectual and educational spectrum of its readers. In addition to influencing the education of new young generations of readers, they also create contemporary history. Modern technology has replaced the written word with an electronic record, so everything is "at our fingertips" via the Internet and search engines, which applies especially to electronic editions of certain books. Nevertheless, there is a certain number of researchers and users who look for books in the library, and the advantage of such a way of working with users is reflected in the ability to see and define the needs of users and to provide them with assistance in the way of accessing and searching for data when using the library and archive materials. Such a way of working contributes to the improvement of services and records of library users. To find spiritual culture in librarianship among the many books of all kinds, from precious and decorative manuscripts, through newspapers and ordinary writings, to diplomatic works, postcards, and much more, represents a real skill in terms of choice of specialization, both in work and in the protection of library material. Library employees protect the library material that connects literary, artistic, and scientific creativity. Protection is inextricably linked to the scientific organization of libraries. The book is a unique document that represents tradition and culture that we should preserve.

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