
This article deals with the analysis of the scientific review on the articulation between social capital and representative democracy, having as parameters the relationship of the following articulated terms: Social Capital & Democracy in the Scopus & Web of Science databases. The analysis responds to the review of authors, citations, types of product, keywords, country of origin, and area of knowledge, for this purpose, the study focuses on the review of the products generated in the categories of social sciences, arts, and humanities, economics and political science. A descriptive methodology is developed based on the technique of bibliometric analysis, developed from the selection and documentary exploration, as well as recurrence in the citation generated by scientific nodes. As result, it is observed that production prevails in the United States, about the linking of terms, concentrated in social sciences and political science, expressed in the publication of a high percentage of scientific articles, followed by Europe, which observed a discreet production in Latin America. Likewise, a low density in the generation of broad citation networks is evident, which makes visible a relatively atomized scientific context in this field.

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