
The objective of this study was to conduct a bibliometric review on the economic potential of medicinal plants used as phytotherapeutics. To achieve this, a search was conducted on Google and Google Scholar websites, without a specific time frame, using terms such as medicinal plant, medicinal plants, economic value of medicinal plants, economic potential of medicinal plants, medicinal plants used by the Unified Health System (SUS), and the word “leaflet” followed by the common or scientific name or the phytomedicine. Based on the texts found through this search, this article was elaborated. As a result, the history of medicinal plants and the evolution of their use were introduced, considering them as sources of biologically active molecules that currently hold significant economic potential in the pharmaceutical industry market. Additionally, due to being lower-cost alternatives compared to allopathic medicines, they are widely used by the SUS. The study of new phytotherapeutics is a highly promising field, particularly in Brazil, which possesses an immeasurable quantity of plants with medicinal properties. However, significant research and effective development of new phytomedicines require increased financial investment in the area to boost the production of new Brazilian phytopharmaceuticals and genuine phytotherapeutics. This, in turn, will generate higher profits in this sector.

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