
Artificial intelligence (AI), together with its applications, has received world-wide attentions and is expected to exert force on the development of global economy and society in the future. By means of bibliometric method, the study aims at providing an overview on the research tendency and the most concerned topics of AI during the past decade. The database of Web of Science was chosen and the articles published in AI journals were retrieved. Top 10% of the yearly high-citation articles (12,301 articles) published since the year of 2008 were selected as sampling articles for the analysis. The bibliographic records were used for the overall analysis, and the core keywords were studied and classified into three categories (algorithm, general technology and application technology) for topics analysis. As results, number of articles in AI by year and country, the country collaboration and well-known institutes and researchers in AI were presented. Also we proposed and concluded the five most concerned topics, which are perception intelligence (1st), human mind simulated intelligence (2nd), classical model based machine learning (3rd), bio-inspired intelligence (4th), and big-data based intelligence (5th). It is the authors’ wish that the study were helpful for researchers to have an overall grasp of the recent status of AI development.

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