
Simple SummaryThis work consists of a review with bibliometric analysis on WB-EMS. One hundred and two articles were analyzed in the period from 2010 to 2022 to find out which country, author and institutions produce the most knowledge on this topic. The results of this work are important to know to determine publication growth trend as well as the most relevant clusters and authors.Whole Body Electromyostimulation [WB-EMS] is a training methodology that applies electrostimulation in the main muscle groups of the human body superimposed with active training exercises. This study aims to carry out a bibliometric analysis on WB-EMS to provide an overview of the state of research and provide new insights for research in the field. Method: One hundred and two citations extracted were examined using a bibliometric approach based on data stored in the Web of Science Core Collection, applying traditional bibliometric laws, and using VOSviewer and excel for data and metadata processing. Results: Among the results, this study points out that Germany is the country that produces more scientific knowledge on WB-EMS. Wolfgang Kemmler is the most relevant author in this field. Moreover, Frontier of Physiology is the journal where the authors publish the most. Conclusion: Research on WB-EMS has been growing in recent years. German and Spanish researchers lead two clusters where most studies and collaborations in this field are carried out. These findings will provide a better understanding of the state of WB-EMS research and may guide the emergence of new lines of investigation and research ideas.

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