
The paper discusses issues related to the bibliometric analysis of current linguistic paradigms in the framework of scientific specialties 10.02.19 – Theory of Language and 10.02.04 – Germanic languages for the period from 2000 to 2020. The subject of the study is the patterns, trends and prospects for the development of current linguistic paradigms. The purpose of the work is to analyze dissertation research of scientific specialties 10.02.04 – Germanic languages and 10.02.19 – Language theory selected using structural bibliometry methods, as well as to identify promising areas for the development of the science of linguistics. In the course of the study, it was possible to substantiate the structure of the transition from one linguistic paradigm to another. Due to the permanently decreasing relevance and the need to study topics identified by keywords defining current linguistic paradigms, as well as the constant regression in publication activity, a crisis is brewing in science, according to which scientists partially or fully cannot substantiate the existing problems, the so-called anomalies, within the framework of the paradigm under study. An undoubted marker of the future bifurcation point, the moment when quantitative will turn into qualitative, is the level of research publications that dropped below the level of 2000 in 2020. The stages of T. Kuhn's theory can be traced throughout the 20s, and the data obtained by bibliometric analysis indicate a crisis in linguistic research.

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