
Since the last two decennia, Wageningen UR Library has been involved in bibliometric analyses for the evaluation of scientific output of staff, chair groups and research institutes of Wageningen UR. In these advanced bibliometric analyses several indicator scores, such as the number of publications, number of citations and citation impacts, are calculated. For a fair comparison of scientific output from staff, chair groups or research institutes (that each work in a different scientific discipline with specific publication and citation habits) scores of the measured bibliometric indicators are normalized against average trend (or baseline) scores per research field. For the collection of scientific output that is subjected to the bibliometric analyses the repository Wageningen Yield (WaY) is used. This repository is filled from the research registration system Metis in which meta data for scientific output is registered by the secretaries of the research groups of Wageningen UR. By the application of a connection between the meta data of publications in WaY and citation scores in Thomson Reuters? Web of Science, custom-made analyses on the scientific output and citation impact of specific entities from Wageningen UR can be performed fast and efficiently. Moreover, a timely registration of new scientific output is stimulated (to ensure their inclusion in future bibliometric analyses) and the quality of meta data in WaY is checked by the library staff and by the research staff from the research entities under investigation, thus promoting communication between the library and customers

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