
BIBUOGRAPHY Anne Epstein The foUowing list of sdiolarly articles pubUshed in EngUsh since 1985 is presented to assist readers in keeping up with the latest scholarship on women's history and to fadtitate assessment of areas in whidi more researdi is needed. We try to ensure that these thematic bibliographies reflect the state of the field, although with the increasing volume of works on women now appearing we cannot guarantee they wül be exhaustive. In this issue we will focus on works on Art, Literature, and Performing Arts. Because space is limited, we have not included literary genres such as biography, autobiography, and personal narrative. Future bibtiographies wül hightight these forms, as weU as other aspects of cultural Ufe inducting Music and Popular Culture. The Journal's thematic bibUographies of current English-language scholarship serve to supplement our Journal of Women's History Guide to Periodical Literature (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1992; 512 pp; ISBN 0-252-32219-7 (d), $39.95; ISBN 0-253-20720-7 (pb), $18.95). We are pleased to announce that a second volume of the Guide is currently in preparation. This ongoing bibliographical projed is part of the goal of the Journal of Women's History to serve as the journal of record for women's history in the United States and abroad. ART General Boime, Albert. "Maria Deraismes and Eva Gonzales: A Feminist Critique of TJne Loge aux Théâtre des Italiens/ " Woman's Art Journal 15 (FaU 1994/Winter 1995): 31-37. BonneU, Vidoria. "The Peasant Woman in Stalinist PoUtical Art of the 1930s." American Historical Review 98, no. 1 (1993): 55-82. Brown, Elizabeth A. " The Living Objecf : The Art CoUection of EUen H. Johnson." Allen Art Museum Bulletin 45, no. 1/2 (1992): 8-25. Burns, Sarah. "The Tïarnest, Untiring Worker' and the Magidan of the Brush: Gender PoUtics in the Criticism of Cedtia Beaux and John Singer Sargent." Oxford Art Journal 15, no. 1 (1992): 36-53. Cash, Stephanie. "The Art Critidsm and PoUtics of Lucy Lippard." Art Criticism 9, no. 1 (1994): 32-40. ©1995 Journal of Women's History, Vol 7 No. ζ (Summer) 1995 BIBUOGRAPHY 193 Crosthwaite, Jane F. " Ά White and Seamless Robe': CeUbacy and EquaUty in Shaker Art and Theory." Colby Library Quarterly 25 (September 1989): 188-198. DeLong, Lea Rosson. "Louise Noun: A Pioneer CoUedor of Women's Art." Woman's Art Journal 13 (FaU 1992/Winter 1993): 17-20. Dubrow, Gaü Lee. "Qaiming PubUc Space for Women's History in Boston: A Proposal for Preservation, PubUc Art, and PubUc Historical Interpretation ." Frontiers 13, no. 1 (1992): 111-148. Fahlman, Betsy. "Women Art Students at Yale, 1869-1913: Never True Sons of the University." Woman's Art Journal 12 (Summer 1991): 15-23. Fer, Briony. "Whaf s in a Line? Gender and Modernity." Oxford Art Journal 13, no. 1 (1990): 77-88. HeUand, Janice. "The Critics and the Arts and Crafts: The Instance of Margaret Macdonald and Charles Rennie Mackintosh." Art History Yl (June 1994): 209-227. Herzog, Charlotte. "A Rose by Any Other Name: Violet Oakley, Jessie WUcox Smith, and Elizabeth Shippen Green." Woman's Art Journal 14 (FaU 1993/Winter 1994): 11-16. Higonnet, Anne. "Writing the Gender of the Image: Art Critidsm in Late Nineteenth-Century France." Genders 6 (November 1989): 60-73. Hutton, John. "Mary Cassatf s Modern Woman and the Woman's Building of 1893." Feminist Studies 20 (Summer 1994): 318-348. Lambton, Gwenda. "ACoUaboration in Ottawa: The Saint-Vincent Hospital Mural." Woman's Art Journal 13 (Spring/Summer 1992): 19-22. LeaveU, Linda. "When Marianne Moore Buys Pictures." American Literary History 5 (Summer 1993): 250-271. Leßmann, Sabina. "Susanna Maria von Sandrart: Women Artists in Seventeenth -Century Nürnberg." Woman's Art Journal 14 (Spring/Summer 1993): 10-14. Marquardt-Cherry, Janet T. "Katja Oxman: Working in the Tradition of the Woman Artist." Woman's Art Journal 14 (Spring/Summer 1993): 21-27. Masten, April F. "Model Into Artist: The Changing Face of Art Historical Biography." Women's Studies 21, no. 1 (1992): 17-41. Mathews, Patrida. "Gender Analysis and the Work of Meyer Sdiapiro." Oxford Art Journal 17, no. 1 (1994): 81-91. McCuUough...

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