
VOL, 14, No.3, of the Bibliography of Seismology from the Dominion Observatory, Ottawa, has been complied by W. G. Milne (pp. 51-70. Ottawa: King's Printer ; 1948. 25 cents). It contains 124 items (6734-6857) concerning pure and applied seismology, together with lists of patents taken out in connexion with the latter. The survey is world wide. Included are important items on recent research in large-scale geophysical exploration using artificial earthquakes caused by the detonation of surplus explosives. Work by Bullard and Charlier on explosions in Germany, Gamburtsev in U.S.S.R. and J. Tuzo Wilson and others in Canada all bear on this. Papers on microseisms by Deacon, Barber and Ursell of the Admiralty Research Laboratory, Macelwane and others in America, Bernard in France, Amoròs and others in Spain, Hodgson in Canada, and Jones in the Pacific area, are listed. This subject, which was at one time only an annoyance to seismologists since the microseisms confused their records of earthquakes, now has important practical meteorological and oceanoagraphic applications.

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