
* Foreword * Acknowledgments * Introduction * The Greek Bias in Medicine * The Greek Bias in Psychology and Psychiatry * Biblical Stories * Chapter 1. Self-Esteem: Strengths, Sources, Disabilities, and Healing * Introduction * The Basis of Self-Image: Adam and Narcissus * Definitions of Strength: David and Goliath * Dealing with Special Gifts: Samson and Delilah * The Source of Health: Elisha and Naaman * The Foundation of Self-Esteem: Saul * The Courage to Emigrate: Abraham * Chapter 2. Obligations and Loyalty to Self and Others * Introduction * Assuming Responsibility for Others: Jonah * Assuming Responsibility for Self: Lot's Wife * Singing One's Own Song: Miriam * Completing Another's Vision: Joshua and Moses * Friendship and Love: David and Jonathan * Saving One's People: Esther * Chapter 3. Making Difficult Decisions * Introduction * Weighing Abilities: Rebecca and Her Two Sons * Focusing on One's Main Aim: Sarah and Hagar * Distinguishing Motivations: Michal, David, and Saul * Two Views of Wisdom: Solomon and the Two Mothers * Two Types of Giving: Cain and Abel * Chapter 4. Commandments, Oaths, Parables, and Temptations * Introduction * Dealing with Commandments: Abraham and Isaac * Dealing with Oaths: Jephthah and His Daughter * Communicating Through Parables: Nathan and David * Dealing with Temptations: Adam and Eve * Rejecting Temptations: Joseph and Potiphar's Wife * Chapter 5. Good and Bad Anger * Introduction * Confronting Immorality: Phinehas * Taking Revenge: Simeon and Levi * Misplaced Mercy, Misplaced Violence: King Saul * Protecting the Innocent: Moses * Escaping Cynicism: Hezekiah versus Rabshakeh * Chapter 6. Various Disorders * Introduction * Overcoming Eating Disorders: Adam and Eve versus Erysichthon * Drunkenness and Disrespect: Noah * Work versus Workaholism: Adam * Unrealistically Heavy Burdens: Cain * Hoarding or Enjoying: Manna * Chapter 7. Overcoming Family Problems * Introduction * Forgiving Deceit: Rachel and Jacob * Covering a Family Problem: Achan * Overcoming a Bad Start: David and Bathsheba * Wise Mate Selection: Rebecca, Isaac, and Eliezer * Kindness for Kindness: Boaz and Ruth * Chapter 8. Parental Blessings, Permission, and Support * Introduction * Being Careful with a Blessing: Isaac and His Sons * Spreading the Blessing Around: Joseph and His Brothers * Supporting One's Son: Hannah and Samuel * Reciprocity Between Generations: Naomi and Ruth * Controlling One's Daughter: Lot * Chapter 9. Good and Bad Development * Introduction * Amoral Intellectualism: Balaam * Totalitarian Utopianism: The Tower of Babel * Acquiring Wisdom: Solomon * Undone by Ambition: Jeroboam * Using Others: Amnon * Chapter 10. Recovery from Misfortune, Weariness, Loss, and Disability * Introduction * Dealing with Disaster: Jeremiah * Feeling Rejected: The Curser * Aging: Ecclesiastes * The Experience of Almost-Loss: Sarah * Dealing with Disability: Moses and Aaron * Knowing That Life Has Meaning: The Fugitive * Chapter 11. Suicide Prevention * Introduction * Recovering form Weariness: Elijah * Feeling Overwhelmed: Moses * Friends in Need: Job * Abandonment: David * Protected Regression: Jonah versus Narcissus * Epilogue: Freud, Oedipus, and the Hebrew Bible * Bibliography <l

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