
Despite the insufficient development of biblical archeology, on the basis of which it would be possible to build objective factual knowledge, the topic of the trial of Jesus, described in the Bible, is of great importance, including for the political life of the modern world. The study of Jesus’ sermons, his trial and execution is no longer the subject of research only in theology and ethics. This study attempts to explore the significance of the trial and execution of Jesus for modern government. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the significance of the teachings of Jesus and the consequences that followed (trial and execution), described in the Bible, for modern public administration. The following scientific methods were used in the work: analysis, description, comparison. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the author makes a transition to a new paradigm, studying the problem of the consequences of the trial of Jesus for the development of the public administration system, without relying on the previous paradigm of “search for the historical Jesus”, which was based on proven historical facts.
 As a result of the study, it was concluded that the crucifixion of Jesus became possible due to the imperfection and viciousness of the government system of that time, and its main vice - the unwillingness of officials to bear personal responsibility for their decisions - was strongly condemned and rejected by Jesus. At the same time, the modern system of public administration is turned into the same vices that the sacrifice of Jesus and its political and administrative consequences, which are still relevant to this day, can help it get rid of.

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