
Biased halfspaces, noise sensitivity, and Chernoff inequalities, Discrete Analysis 2019:13, 50 pp. A _Boolean function_ is a function from the discrete cube, which it is convenient to represent as $\{-1,1\}^n$, to $\{0,1\}$. For obvious reasons, Boolean functions are a basic object of study in theoretical computer science, and a major strand of that study concerns analytic results about them, and in particular about the behaviour of their Fourier transforms. An important class of Boolean functions is that of _halfspaces_, also known as _linear threshold functions_ which are (characteristic functions of) sets of the form $\{x\in\{-1,1\}^n:\sum_ia_ix_i>t\}$, where the coefficients $a_i$ are real numbers such that $\sum_ia_i^2=1$. Although such functions might seem quite simple, the fact that the linearity is over $\mathbb R$ rather than $\mathbb F_2$ means that the Fourier analysis of such functions is not completely straightforward: in fact, it raises interesting and important questions. If $t=0$ and the coefficients are such that no $\pm 1$ sum of them is zero, then the density of the halfspace, or the expectation of the corresponding function, is 1/2. Such halfspaces are called _unbiased_, and they have been the ones that have been most studied. However, biased halfspaces arise naturally in certain applications, and the purpose of this paper is to obtain similar results for them as well. One of the main results of the paper concerns the _degree-1 Fourier weight_ of a halfspace. This is defined to be the sum of the squares of the Fourier coefficients of characters corresponding to singletons. Given a function $f$, these Fourier coefficients are $\hat f({i})=\mathbb E_xf(x)x_i$, for $i=1,2,\dots,n$. They are important, because it has been shown that if $f$ is a halfspace, then it is completely determined by these coefficients. (In the biased case one must also take into account the coefficient $\hat f(\emptyset)=\mathbb E_xf(x)$.) In the unbiased case, it is known that a significant fraction of the $L_2$-norm of $\hat f$ is accounted for by the level-1 Fourier coefficients: the degree-1 Fourier weight of $f$ is always at least 1/8. In the biased case, if we know that $f$ has density $\epsilon$, then $\|f-\mathbb Ef\|_2^2=\epsilon(1-\epsilon)^2+(1-\epsilon)\epsilon^2=\epsilon(1-\epsilon)$, which by Parseval gives us a trivial upper bound for the degree-1 Fourier weight (trivial because it makes no use of the fact that $f$ is a halfspace). However, a much better upper bound of $2\epsilon^2\log(1/\epsilon)$ has been shown: it is known as the _level-1 inequality_. Thus, a reasonable analogue of the result in the biased case would be the statement that the level-1 inequality is sharp up to a constant. This was proved by Matulef, O’Donnell, Rubinfeld and Servedio under the additional hypothesis that all the coefficients $a_i$ are -- such halfspaces are often called _smooth_, but Kalai, Keller and Mossel conjectured that it should hold for all halfspaces. That conjecture is proved in this paper, as well as other results of a similar flavour, one of which is an inverse theorem that shows that any Boolean function for which the level-1 weight is within a constant of the maximum is correlated with a halfspace. An interesting feature of the paper is the method it uses. Previous results often applied only for smooth halfspaces, for which the so-called invariance principle could be brought to bear, which allows one to approximate the function by a Gaussian. That is of course not possible in general: to obtain results for arbitrary halfspaces, the authors decompose the coefficients into and small and apply a new large deviation bound, which is closely related to a local Chernoff bound” of Devroye and Lugosi but has a completely different proof.


  • Analysis of Boolean functions, was initiated about 30 years ago, and has grown into a prolific research field, with numerous applications and connections to other fields of mathematics, computer science, physics, and economics

  • Halfspaces (i.e., Boolean functions of the form f (x) = 1 (∑i aixi > t)) have always been a central object of study in the field; noise sensitivity joined in 1999, bringing thrilling applications to percolation theory

  • As was shown by Benjamini, Kalai, and Schramm [2], halfspaces and noise sensitivity are closely related, and we further explore the relation in this paper

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Analysis of Boolean functions (that is, functions of the form f : {−1, 1}n → {0, 1}), was initiated about 30 years ago, and has grown into a prolific research field, with numerous applications and connections to other fields of mathematics, computer science, physics, and economics (see [39]). Halfspaces (i.e., Boolean functions of the form f (x) = 1 (∑i aixi > t)) have always been a central object of study in the field; noise sensitivity (which studies the effect of small perturbations of the input on the function output) joined in 1999, bringing thrilling applications to percolation theory. We study biased Boolean functions, concentrating on halfspaces, noise sensitivity, and the relation between noise resistance and strong correlation with a halfspace. We determine the exact asymptotic order of the first-degree Fourier weight and the maximal influence of halfspaces, and we show that the relation between being resistant to noise and being well correlated with a halfspace carries over from the unbiased case to biased functions, under appropriate definitions. Our techniques are somewhat non-standard for the types of questions we study: while most previous results on these problems were obtained using discrete Fourier analysis and hypercontractivity, our main tool is a local variant of the Chernoff inequality, which allows one to compare the rates of decay of the probability Pr[∑ aixi > t] (where {xi} are independent and uniformly distributed in {−1, 1}), as a function of t

First-degree Fourier weight and maximal influence of halfspaces
First-degree Fourier weight of halfspaces
The maximal influence of halfspaces The influence of the kth coordinate on a Boolean function f is defined as
The vertex boundary of halfspaces
Noise sensitivity of biased functions and correlation with halfspaces
Local Chernoff Inequalities
A local Chernoff inequality of Devroye and Lugosi, via a general method of Benjamini, Kalai, and Schramm
Refined variants, via log-concavity
Organization of the paper
Two Concentration Lemmas
Auxiliary injective transformations
First-Degree Fourier Weight of Halfspaces
Proof of the Lower Bound
Proof of the Upper Bound
The Vertex Boundary of Halfspaces
A Relation Between Upper Boundary and Lower Boundary of Halfspaces
An Example Showing
A k-Degree Smoothing of Influences
Proof of the Auxiliary Claims
Noise Resistance and Correlation with a Halfspace
A Stronger Correlation Theorem for Noise Resistant Functions
Any Fourier Noise Resistant Function Correlates Well with a Biased Halfspace
A Probabilistic Notion of Noise Resistance
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