
Biachellaite, a new mineral species of the cancrinite group, has been found in a volcanic ejecta in the Biachella Valley, Sacrofano Caldera, Latium region, Italy, as colorless isometric hexagonal bipyramidal-pinacoidal crystals up to 1 cm in size overgrowing the walls of cavities in a rock sample composed of sanidine, diopside, andradite, leucite and hauyne. The mineral is brittle, with perfect cleavage parallel to {10\( \bar 1 \)0} and imperfect cleavage or parting (?) parallel to {0001}. The Mohs hardness is 5. Dmeas = 2.51(1) g/cm3 (by equilibration with heavy liquids). The densities calculated from single-crystal X-ray data and from X-ray powder data are 2.515 g/cm3 and 2.520 g/cm3, respectively. The IR spectrum demonstrates the presence of SO 4 2− , H2O, and absence of CO 3 2− . Biachellaite is uniaxial, positive, ω = 1.512(1), ɛ = 1.514(1). The weight loss on ignition (vacuum, 800°C, 1 h) is 1.6(1)%. The chemical composition determined by electron microprobe is as follows, wt %: 10.06 Na2O, 5.85 K2O, 12.13 CaO, 26.17 Al2O3, 31.46 SiO2, 12.71 SO3, 0.45 Cl, 1.6 H2O (by TG data), −0.10 −O=Cl2, total is 100.33. The empirical formula (Z = 15) is (Na3.76Ca2.50K1.44)Σ7.70(Si6.06Al5.94O24)(SO4)1.84Cl0.15(OH)0.43 · 0.81H2O. The simplified formula is as follows: (Na,Ca,K)8(Si6Al6O24)(SO4)2(OH)0.5 · H2O. Biachellaite is trigonal, space group P3, a =12.913(1), c = 79.605(5) A; V = 11495(1) A3. The crystal structure of biachellaite is characterized by the 30-layer stacking sequence (ABCABCACACBACBACBCACBACBACBABC)∞. The tetrahedral framework contains three types of channels composed of cages of four varieties: cancrinite, sodalite, bystrite (losod) and liottite. The strongest lines of the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [d, A (I, %) (hkl)] are as follows: 11.07 (19) (100, 101), 6.45 (18) (110, 111), 3.720 (100) (2.1.10, 300, 301, 2.0.16, 302), 3.576 (18) (1.0.21, 2.0.17, 306), 3.300 (47) (1.0.23, 2.1.15), 3.220 (16) (2.1.16, 222). The type material of biachellaite has been deposited at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, registration number 3642/1.

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