
The optimal RRT in elliptic space sampling (Informed-RRT*) is an extension of RRT that provides asymptotic optimality, however, it experiences gradual progress and close to obstacles. In the paper, we propose a novel path planning algorithm guided bidirectional Informed-RRT* (BI-RRT*), that introduces extension range, dual-direction exploration, and refinement in trajectory design. The growth range refers to maintaining an additional area from the obstacle to enhance the dependability of the path through preventing impacts. Bidirectional search is a search strategy using both start and target points for a initial solution. Smoothing improves path robustness by using cubic spline. Furthermore, simulation tests for the BI-RRT* algorithm are executed, and the efficacy of the suggested algorithm is confirmed through its application in a robot operating system (ROS). Simulations and experimental tests verify that the proposed algorithm improves the path planning capability. We emphasize the importance of safety, privacy, and reliability in the deployment of AI systems. Our algorithm ensures that the planned paths maintain a safe distance from obstacles, reducing the risk of collisions. Additionally, we prioritize privacy by adhering to data protection regulations and implementing secure communication protocols within the AI system. Moreover, we have applied rigorous testing and validation processes to enhance the reliability of our algorithm, ensuring consistent and accurate path planning outcomes.

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