
Usual bi-maximal neutrino mixing faces an inherent problem in lowering the solar angle below $$\tan^{2}\theta_{12}=0.50$$ when charged lepton correction is considered. This minimum θ 12 is achievable only if charged parity violation is absent. We start with a new model which incorporates a new idea of mixing developed recently, called bi-large mixing, similar to bi-maximal mixing except that the former chooses rather θ 13 as Cabibbo angle (θ c ) than zero. The bi-large mixing may be visualized in the framework of bi-trimaximal mixing which is related to a discrete flavour symmetry group $$\Updelta(96)$$ . Also the motivation comes from F-Theory inspired Grand unified theory. We apply this mixing in the neutrino sector followed by a charged lepton correction with the Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa type matrix, U eL . The model marks a prediction on θ 23 to lie within the first octant. The charged-parity violating phase appearing from charged lepton sector δ 12 dictates the prediction of all the three mixing angles. A proper choice of δ 12 , leads to the predictions of all the three mixing angles including θ 12, to align precisely with the experimental best-fit. This close agreement thus hoists bi-large mixing as an important and promising mixing scheme, in contrast to bi-maximal or tri-bimaximal mixing as a first approximation.

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